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Guy, do you know hatred is murder?


Holimetic for Youngster.


At school, adolescents worry about and consider their friendships because their relationships with their friends significantly influence the nature of school life.


Friendships are crucial within the context of a church community. Having close friends can make one's faith life more enjoyable. 


A conflict arose among the young high school students in a particular church. Three male students had a love triangle involving one female student. They used to be close friends in middle school, but when they entered high school, all three confessed love to the same girl, which led to deepening conflicts.


Feeling that continuing this way would only drive them apart, the three boys decided to let go of their feelings for the girl. However, in the process, they got into a fight with her. Once tangled, their relationship took a lot of work to untangle.


During a summer retreat at the church, something remarkable happened. The preacher said, "If you have had conflicts or disputes with friends in the past or are currently in conflict, go to them, seek forgiveness, and pray together." The students were encouraged to seek forgiveness and pray together.


The female students who had conflicted with the boys went to where they gathered. Tearfully, she apologized, and the boys, in turn, apologized, saying they were sorry. Witnessing this, other students also began reconciling with their friends.


At that moment, a tremendous sense of repentance and relationship restoration occurred. There was a powerful touch of God's presence. As they confessed their fault, they restored relationships.


The female student sought forgiveness but didn't want to do it because of her pride. She didn't want to ask for forgiveness, but she felt convicted by the preacher's message and humbled herself. Tears welled up in her eyes as she did so.


Cain was the firstborn of Adam and Eve. When Cain was born, Eve exclaimed, "With the help of the Lord, I have brought forth a man" in great joy. Later, Eve gave birth to Abel, Cain's younger brother. Abel became a shepherd, and Cain worked the soil.


In time, Cain offered the fruits of his labor to God. Abel, on the other hand, brought the firstborn of his flock and their fat portions as an offering to God.


God accepted Abel's offering but did not accept Cain's. Cain became angry, and his countenance fell. His anger led him to invite Abel into the field and kill him. It was the first recorded murder.


God punished Cain, saying that he would be a restless wanderer on the earth. The land would no longer yield fruit for him, and he would be a fugitive and a wanderer.


Murder is a grave sin, but some people misunderstand it. They think that murder is only the act of taking someone's life. Hating someone is also a form of murder.


Jesus said, "But I tell you that anyone angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca,' is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell" (Matthew 5:22).


Jesus warned that being angry with one's brother, calling them "Raca" (an Aramaic term of contempt), or insulting them would make one subject to judgment. It's a severe warning.


In those times, people thought they were obeying the law as long as they didn't physically kill someone. But Jesus explained that faithful obedience to God's word means not hating or being angry with others, as it's equivalent to murder.


Physical murder is just one aspect of it. Hating, slandering, and cursing someone are all forms of killing their spirit and reputation. If we harbor hatred in our hearts, curse, or insult our friends in our thoughts, it's equivalent to murder.


Jesus instructed us to love one another. He said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself" (Matt. 22:37-39).


Jesus loved God and humanity more than anyone else. He bore the pain of the cross to atone for our sins. Our mission is to love one another just as Jesus loved us. Do you have friends or acquaintances who need your love and care?


Cherish and love the people God has placed in your life. Start with your family. Your parents are not just emotional trash cans; they deserve honor, respect, and love. Siblings should be supported and loved, not envied or competed against. School friends are not rivals; instead, they are people you help, serve, and love.


As Christians, we have to love one another. Just as Jesus Christ loved us, we should love our family, parents, neighbors, and friends. Jesus continues to seek those He can love with a heart full of love.


God wants Israel and Palestine to love each other! God wants North and South Koreans to love each other! God delights in people from the East and the West loving each other. God desires those who humble themselves, seek forgiveness, and express love boldly and initiatively.


Rev. Doug Choi, President of Peniel Theological Seminary, Busan, Korea


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