2023.11.27 19:47

Hundred Muslims met Jesus

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Hundred Muslims met Jesus


Even amid war and chaos, there are Muslims who believe in Jesus. According to a recent report by CBN News, around 200 Muslims claimed to have met Jesus in their dreams and decided to believe in and follow him. CBN News published the report on November 20, 2023, with accompanying photos titled “Supernatural Move of God in Gaza as Hundreds Reportedly Meet Jesus in Dreams.”


Michael Licona, the representative of Risen Jesus Inc. and a professor at Houston Christian University, mentioned miraculous conversions in the ‘Underground Christian Ministry’ in Palestine. He recently posted on Facebook titled “God is working amid war.”


Licona quoted a Christian ministry report, stating, “We served hundreds of fathers who lost their children in the war over the past two days. While moving them to a safe place, we provided food, washed clothes, and shared the path of peace through Jesus by reading the Bible to them. A great miracle happened. Last night, more than 200 of them claimed to have seen Jesus in their dreams. They are returning to us, asking to learn more about God’s word and how to follow Jesus.”


Licona, the author of several books, including “The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus” and “Paul Meet Huhammad,” is actively involved in leading Muslims to Christ.


Nabeel Qureshi, a Muslim convert to Christianity, played a significant role in Licona’s journey. He stated, “When I was a Muslim college student, Mike regularly invited me to his home to discuss the historicity of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Mike’s evidence was compelling and played a decisive role in my conversion. Since then, I have seen his ministry have a powerful impact on thousands as historical evidence for the Christian faith.”


Regarding Muslims believing in and converting to Jesus even in war zones, Licona added in his Facebook post that Christians worldwide should celebrate this report.


Licona expressed his support for Israel in the recent conflict with Hamas, not for theological reasons but because Hamas and its supporters are evil. However, he clarified that not all Palestinians support Hamas and that those who oppose it face severe consequences.


Joel Rosenberg, a bestselling author and communication strategist, urged Christians in Gaza to evacuate, warning of the threat of mass slaughter by Hamas. He highlighted the scarcity of food, water, and medical supplies in Gaza and asked believers not to remain trapped in churches.


Rosenberg mentioned that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) had ordered Palestinian Christians in Gaza to move south for safety. However, they fear going south because they are Christians, and extremist Islamic groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad are likely to massacre them.


He also raised concerns that these extremists would commit heinous acts, including rape, as seen in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other areas where they operate.


Rosenberg updated that top levels of the Israeli government are actively discussing the safety, security, and future concerns of Christians living in Palestine.


This news is indebted to the article by Talia Wise for CBN NEWS.





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