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The French Revolution and the American Revolution


The American Revolution of 1776 proclaimed freedom as the recognition of the Creator God. However, the French Revolution 1789 shouted freedom as opposition beyond denying the Creator God.


The American Independence Revolution of 1776 and the French Revolution of 1789 are similar in their pursuit of citizen rights and the quest for freedom and independence from monarchial tyranny.


At the time, Americans wanted independence from the British, who were taxing them without representation. On the other hand, the French desired liberation from their monarchs, nobility, and the church that colluded with them.


Most history textbooks and encyclopedias often describe these two as the pivotal events that marked the establishment of modern nation-state systems. They classify the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution as the "Three Great Citizen Revolutions."


However, the American Revolution of 1776 and the French Revolution of 1789 were fundamentally different citizen revolutions, not just in their processes and outcomes but in their essence. The distinction between conservatism and progressivism in modern politics can be traced back to the differences in how these two revolutions were perceived.


Edmund Burke (1729-1797) from England supported the American Revolution but vehemently opposed the French Revolution. He is known as the "father of conservatism." On the other hand, Thomas Paine (1737~1809) ignited the flames of the American Independence Revolution and later became a "progressive" political thinker in France, refuting Burke's reflections.


The debate between Burke and Paine gave rise to the distinction between conservatism and progressivism in political philosophy. The classification of right-wing and left-wing also originated from the seating arrangements in the French National Assembly during the French Revolution. Understanding the differences between these two revolutions and the underlying principles is essential in comprehending the context of modern politics.


The American Revolution of 1776 and the French Revolution of 1789 both sought freedom from monarchial tyranny, making them appear similar. Americans sought independence from the British monarchy, while the French sought liberation from their monarchs, nobility, and the powerful church. However, the concept of "freedom" pursued by these two revolutions differed at its core and had intrinsic differences.


In 1776, freedom meant acknowledging the Creator God, while in 1789, freedom went beyond denying the Creator God and opposed the church. The founding of the United States involved the separation of the government from the church to preserve religious freedom fully. In contrast, the French Revolution either burned down the church or transformed it into a "temple of reason," elevating human reason to a quasi-religious status.


The outcomes of these two freedoms were starkly different. The American independence gave birth to the United States Constitution, the first written constitution in human history and one of the most complete foundational documents for a nation. Within a century, it led to the emancipation of all enslaved people in the country. 


In contrast, the French Revolution led to years of mass hysteria and the Reign of Terror, where those in power executed tens of thousands of people. Another tyranny, that of Napoleon, followed, leading to a blood-soaked revolution.


Around the time when the United States was abolishing slavery in the mid-19th century, Marxism, which would go on to enslave half of humanity and kill hundreds of millions of innocent people in Europe, was born.


Today, various variants of Marxism, such as Neo-Marxism and Gender Ideology, continue to thrive. Like during the French Revolution, they prioritize the destruction of Christianity and the Church as their primary objective, eroding the Judeo-Christian foundation of human civilization.


Thomas Paine boasted that he had written to ignite the flames of both revolutions. However, in the United States, where the church continued to thrive, his efforts centered around God and brought forth the "freedom to save people." In Europe, where the church had lost its vitality, his efforts centered around man and brought forth the "freedom to kill people."


For freedom-loving citizens of South Korea, it is essential to understand the fundamental differences between the American and French revolutions. South Korea enjoys the freedom and democracy brought about by the American Revolution. However, in its pursuit of "man-centered" Juche ideology, North Korea worships human reason over God, drawing inspiration from the spirit of the French Revolution in 1789.


North Korea's "man-centered" Juche ideology and its leadership system have their roots in the spirit of the French Revolution in 1789. Even within the current South Korean system, people who adopt the spirit of the French Revolution in 1789 and strive for populist democracy or people's democracy continue to attempt to overthrow the system.


Jo Pyeong-Se, Ph.D.


King's College London, (B.A. Religious Studies)

King's College London, (M.A. War Studies)

Korea University, Seoul, (Ph.D. North Korean Studies)


'1766 Research Institute', Representative 


This article summarizes a paper presented at an academic conference in Seoul on December 15, 2023, titled "The Fundamental Difference between the American Revolution of 1776 and the French Revolution of 1789."





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