2023.10.29 22:04

God's Hospitality

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God's Hospitality


Recently, hospitality has become a topic of discussion. Hospitality means to treat others generously and graciously. Hospitality is an essential virtue in humanity, and it has been a recurring theme in literature and philosophy.


In ancient literature, works like Homer's "The Odyssey" and Sophocles' "Oedipus Rex" explored the theme of hospitality. Even in the works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, hospitality is a central theme.


Until the late 20th century, the fields of tourism and business discussed hospitality. It was a management strategy applied in hotels and restaurants. However, the modern philosopher Jacques Derrida introduced hospitality as a topic in international politics and contemporary society.


Derrida, a French philosopher of Algerian-Jewish descent, authored "On Hospitality," presented hospitality as a solution to the issues of refugees and immigrants that the world faces.


The World Council of Churches (WCC) addresses interreligious dialogue and supports religious pluralism under the theme of hospitality. It asserts that all religions are equal and hold the same values, providing paths to the same divine reality. It declares, "There is no limit to God's saving grace," emphasizing that Christianity is not the only religion offering God's salvation.


WCC emphasizes hospitality as it goes beyond the boundaries of Christian truth. It emphasizes hospitality that ignores the truth of God's revelation and denies the uniqueness of salvation through Jesus Christ.


Professor Joshua W. Jipp, who teaches New Testament theology at a theological school in the Chicago area, wrote a book titled "Hospitality and Salvation." The book delves into hospitality as God's love extended to humanity. It emphasizes that those who have received God's hospitality should, in turn, extend hospitality to strangers as a duty of God's children.


Indeed, the Bible is a book of hospitality. The most fantastic hospitality began with God. God is the ultimate source of hospitality. God's hospitality is evident in actions such as saving Noah and his family, choosing Abraham, seeking out and meeting Moses as a fugitive and making him a leader, and restoring David despite his sins.


The Old Testament repeatedly shows God's hospitality toward the people of Israel, and God commands His chosen people to show hospitality to orphans, widows, and foreigners. Hospitality is a divine command.


The New Testament emphasizes the message of Jesus' hospitality. Jesus welcomed outcasts, the sick, and foreigners. The parable of the Good Samaritan directly links hospitality with matters of salvation. The parable of the Prodigal Son vividly portrays the hospitality of God the Father.


The pinnacle of hospitality in the New Testament is the crucifixion of Golgotha. The cross event embodies the spirit of biblical hospitality, extending beyond one's neighbors to even welcoming one's enemies.


Hospitality in the Book of Acts is the key that opens the door to mission. Philip's hospitality to the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts chapter 8 opened the door to evangelism.


The disciples in Damascus extended hospitality to the infamous Saul. The reception of Cornelius in Caesarea resulted in his receiving the Holy Spirit. Lydia of Philippi extended hospitality to Paul's team. Jason of Thessalonica and Gaius of Corinth received the missionary teams with hospitality. The book of Acts presents ministers as recipients of hospitality.


We hear the voice of justice and compassion in modern churches, emphasizing hospitality. Compared to the early church, the hospitality of the modern church is critically lacking. Christians in the 3rd century, who comprised less than 10% of the Roman population, shook the Roman Empire.


Leaders such as Ambrose, Chrysostom, and Augustine recognized hospitality as a central aspect of Christian life. They armed themselves with the spirit of hospitality to serve the world and effect transformation.


Hospitality brings about change and maturity. Vibrant mission fields exhibit hospitality, and active churches practice hospitality. The spirit of hospitality mitigates conflicts and heals wounds. Hospitality encompasses acceptance, consideration, and deference. Both the giver and receiver of hospitality find happiness. Hospitality is the Royal Road to Happiness.


Christianity is a religion of hospitality. However, Christian Zionists and dispensationalists extend hospitality to Jews but not to Palestinians. While messages call for sending relief funds to Israeli refugees, it is challenging to find missionary organizations advocating sending food, water, and medicine to Palestinian people.


Recently, an American Baptist church group provided meals to Jewish refugees targeted by Hamas attacks, but why do they not even offer water to Palestinian refugees in Gaza?


Hospitality is due not only to the Israeli people but also to Palestinians who have been crying out after losing their ancestral lands. While violence from Hamas is unwelcome, refugees, the poor, the hungry, strangers, foreigners, and the sick are the focus of Christian hospitality


God's hospitality does not discriminate between Israelis and Palestinians. God's hospitality is deserved by those who pray for peace for Israel and Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6), and it also extends to innocent Palestinian people suffering in the occupied territories.


When will God invite the people in North Korea who are poor, hungry, and suffering from oppression to the banquet of hospitality? It is not only the Christians in North Korea but the entire populace that is the object of God's hospitality. This preparation is needed right now, not on the day of the North and South reunification.


Rev. Doug Choi, Ph.D., President of Peniel Theological Seminary, Busan, Korea




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