The Reverend Douglass Choi, Ph.D., is the founder, president of UUMission and Bread University. He is dedicated to creatively integrate what he has seen, learned, and experienced from years of study, ministry, theological education, and experience in mission fields into production of theological lectures. Dr. Choi has the vision and knowledge to produce effective, educational content in the format of video or online lectures.
Theology is the sensitive academic field that deals with eternal truth, spiritual life, the destiny of souls, the meaning of life, and self-identity. It is said that too many cooks spoil the broth, so Dr. Choi will be the head, or “control tower,” for both UUMission and Bread University in the creative Reformed Tradition.
Dr. Choi will stay in touch with evangelical theologians in the English-, Chinese-, and Spanish-speaking countries. He has many disciples who are working as theologians, pastors, and missionaries and is in contact with theologians in many countries involved in ATA and ATS.
Dr. Choi seeks God's face and stands in front of Him, relying on Him and communing with Him. Knowing and understanding God’s voice and message, he always seek Him in regular times of prayer and solitude, regardless of situation or circumstances. He will not compromise God’s favor to gain people’s favor or approval.
ⓒ Copyrighted by UUMISSION
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