God loves the Palestinian people

by BREADTV posted Oct 21, 2023


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God loves the Palestinian people


The scale and suffering of Hamas's terrorist attacks on Israel are unprecedented. It is the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. They kill parents before their young children and even target the elderly. Radical Muslims around the world may rejoice in this.


It's a time to pray for Israel and Jerusalem. It's also a time to pray for the people of Palestine and Gaza.


Israel and Palestine have a long history of hostility, marked by excessive Israeli oppression and accusations of attempting to eradicate the Palestinian people. Only evil Zionists would delight in slaughtering innocent Palestinian children, but Hamas's savage actions are inexcusable by any measure.


"Why, O LORD, do you stand far off? Why do you hide in times of trouble?" (Psalm 10:1). "No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me," declared the Lord. No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.


This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me," declares the LORD(Isaiah 54:17). "You will live in the land that I gave to your forefathers, and you will be My people, and I will be your God" (Ezekiel 36:28).


Why did God allow the Holocaust and the attacks by Hamas? Are the prophecies in the Bible indeed about the modern nation of Israel with a 75-year history? Is Israel a righteous nation, and are Jews responsible for shaping the current state of Israel due to their righteousness? Did Israel establish an independent government in Palestine solely through God's mercy and grace?


Radical Muslims are undoubtedly evil beings. Millions of Muslims must have been shocked by Hamas's actions. They probably don't see these attacks as a representation of their faith. You can understand how demonic radical Islam is without considering all Muslims as embodiments of evil.


Christian Zionists are elevating Israel to an idol. There's no reason to denigrate the affection that Christians have for Israel. This love has contributed to challenging centuries of "Christian anti-Semitism." Christian love for the reborn state of Israel is changing the perception of the Jewish people worldwide. Healthy Christian Zionism is praiseworthy.


Palestinian people, especially many citizens of Gaza, are straightforward victims. The people in this densely populated region are genuinely impoverished. They made a crucial mistake by electing the wrong leadership. In one election (2006), they chose Hamas, an evil organization, instead of a leader who would recognize the Jewish state and love peace.


Israel has imposed a blockade and isolation on Gaza. They've cut off water, electricity, food, and essential supplies. The 2 million people in Gaza are suffering like rats in a cage. Is God pleased with Israel eradicating them all? No.


People in Gaza seem unaware that hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign aid went into building weapons and military tunnels. Some people may even think it's justified. When Israel retaliates against Gaza, their hatred for Jews probably intensifies.


Massacre is not the answer. The people of Gaza are innocent victims suffering under Hamas's politics of fear. Among them are likely Christians and believers who pray for blessings on Israel. God loves the 2 million Palestinians in Gaza as much as He loves the people of Israel. God loves everyone in this land.


Unquestioningly,  Christians' blind supporting Israel is contrary to God's will. The spiritual battle is a real one. Ending the blind love of today's Christians for modern Israel, which has a 75-year history, is a form of spiritual warfare.


God brings beauty even from ashes. Just as God gave birth to the modern state of Israel from the Holocaust's graveyard, He can get something beautiful from suffering, cries, fear, blood, and pain. Let's pray for God's mercy and swift intervention to bring peace. Let's hope for the day when Israel and Palestine join hands and sing songs of peace. Let's seek God's mercy.


Israel's connection to salvation intertwined with the coming of Jesus Christ. Without this Israel, there is no salvation of God. Therefore, it is suitable for Christians to have a particular interest in Israel.


However, it's not suitable for today's Christians to favor only Israel. God loves both Jewish and Palestinian people. He loves them just as He loves Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Russians, Ukrainians, and Americans. "The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it"(Psalm 24:1).


Rev. Doug Choi, Ph.D., President of Peniel Theological Seminary, Busan, Korea.