The Theatrical Preaching of George Whitefield, a Calvinist

by BREADTV posted Nov 15, 2023


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The Theatrical Preaching of George Whitefield, a Calvinist

George Whitefield(1714-1770) was an England Calvinist who preached the gospel of Jesus Christ faithfully to the biblical doctrines.


Whitefield consistently preached about the sinful nature of humanity, the need for repentance, the Savior Jesus, the Holy Spirit, justification by faith, sanctification, and more. His sermons covered core themes of Calvinistic theology, including original sin, regeneration through faith in Christ, God's grace, and the ultimate salvation of the saints.


Whitefield faithfully preached the gospel of Jesus Christi and orthodox doctrines. He was a masterful communicator. Here are some characteristics of his preaching style:


1. Powerful Voice: Whitefield's commanding voice quickly reached large crowds, even in outdoor gatherings of 20,000 to 30,000 people.


2. Versatility in Language: He adeptly used language to connect with diverse audiences.


3. Clarity and Conciseness: Whitefield's sermons were clear, concise, and devoid of complicated arguments or unnecessary details. He communicated his messages in simple language, always focused on the central point.


4. Confident and Passionate Delivery: He delivered his sermons with conviction and passion, reportedly never finishing a sermon without shedding tears.


5. Theatrical Preaching: Whitefield incorporated theatrical elements into his sermons, vividly portraying the central points dramatically and realistically. This approach allowed the audience to "see," "feel," and "hear" the messages.


An anecdote illustrates the impact of Whitefield's theatrical preaching: once, while preaching about a blind beggar approaching a cliff, a prominent political figure, Philip Chesterfield, was so moved that he shouted, "The blind man is falling! The blind man is falling!"


The use of vivid images, including a blind beggar, a dog, a staff, a night road, and a cliff, exemplifies Whitefield's theatrical preaching style.


Whitefield played a significant role in leading many individuals to Christ and bringing about repentance. His Calvinistic sermons laid the foundation for the development of evangelical Christianity in the United States. His approach was instrumental in counteracting the influences of Deism and rationalism during the 18th century.


Whitefield's Calvinistic faith and dramatic preaching style served as a precursor to the Calvinistic theology and sense appeal method employed by 19th-century preacher Charles Spurgeon.


Importantly, Whitefield did not rely on organic biological patterns or psychological manipulation but tailored his communication style dramatically to suit the understanding of the masses. His theatrical preachings characterized by realistic images, did not conform to the formal morphology introduced by Charles Finney, an Armenian preacher.


Rev. Doug Choi, Ph.D, President of Peniel Theological Seminary, Busan, Korea