Methodists' Excommunication of Homosexuality

by BREADTV posted Dec 23, 2023


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Methodists' Excommunication of Homosexuality


On December 8, 2023, the Korean Methodist Church imposed excommunication as a punishment on Reverend Lee Dong-hwan, church pastor. The reason was his involvement in LGBTQ rights activism and advocacy for Homosexuality. He had conducted blessing ceremonies at LGBTQ cultural festivals. 


Excommunication is the highest level of discipline that the Korean Methodist Church can impose. 


In 1992, the Korean Methodist Church excommunicated Reverend Byun Sun-hwan, president of Methodist Theological University in Seoul, for advocating religious pluralism.


The National Elders' Council of the Korean Methodist Church and the Chairmen of the 11 Regional Bishops of the Korean Methodist Church started on December 18, 2023, with the title "Welcome the Church's Decision of excommunication to the Reverend Lee Dong-hwan" for the following reasons.


First, when a pastor deviates from the regulations of the church or institution that sent them and engages in the advocacy of Homosexuality, which opposes the doctrine, tradition, and God's creation order as recorded in the Bible, it is appropriate to track and impose disciplinary actions, including departure.


Second, supporters of Homosexuality are harmful to the Methodist Church. It is fitting to identify and punish those who advocate for them, those who stand in solidarity with them, those who participate in their activities, those who teach Homosexuality, those who promote homosexual behaviors, and those who incite such actions.


Korean Methodist Theological University students supported the decision regarding the excommunication of Lee Dong-hwan. The university's undergraduate club, "Bible Mosaic," released a statement on December 19, 2023, expressing their belief that Lee Dong-hwan is guilty and supporting the decision of his departure.


The 24 students who support this decision of the excommunication have the following reasons:


First, considering Homosexuality a sin is based on the teachings of the Bible. Students who support Homosexuality are scarce within the Korean Methodist Theological University.


Second, a proper biblical perspective on Homosexuality and education should be conducted both within and outside the Korean church.


Third, they hope the denomination will continue moving in an evangelical direction.


They believe that there is hope for the Methodist Church, and theology students can handle ministry and missionary work within the framework of the correct biblical values, theology, and doctrine of the Methodist Church.


Among the students at the Korean Methodist Theological University, some oppose Homosexuality and support the excommunication of the church to Lee Dong-hwan. However, even if there are students who support Homosexuality within the university, they are likely to be a small minority. When asked about Homosexuality, the majority of students unequivocally state that it is a sin.


On December 21, a club called "God's Prayer Meeting" at the Korean Methodist Theological University, consisting of 41 members, also released a statement supporting the church's excommunication of Lee Dong-hwan.


According to the teachings and regulations of the Methodist Church, it is clear that Lee Dong-hwan is guilty. Our theology students strongly support the excommunication of the Gyeonggi Conference regarding Lee Dong-hwan.


The majority of theological students at the Korean Methodist Theological University oppose false queer theology, the queer movement, and anti-discrimination laws. Therefore, they believe that reverend Lee Dong-hwan's actions in promoting Homosexuality at a queer festival and encouraging unethical sexual ethics were wrong.


The church's excommunication to Reverend Lee Dong-hwan allows the Methodist Church to set things right. The Bible clearly states that Homosexuality is a sin. The Methodist Church prays for the church to uphold God's word, revitalize the church, and lead the next generation.


They urge church leaders to strongly sanction those who promote Homosexuality while advocating for human rights in the future.


Proponents of homosexuality and a very few students are protesting against the church's decision.