The poplar story of Jacob (Genesis 30:37-39, 41-43) is the story of UUMission and Bread University. While Jacob tended Laban's livestock, Laban promised to give Jacob all speckled and spotted offspring. Jacob cut the branches of poplar, almond, and chestnut trees, peeled the bark, and had the livestock mate in front of these branches. This miraculously produced streaked, speckled, and spotted offspring, so Jacob received a lot of livestock from Laban. God helped Jacob become wealthy, because Jacob kept covenant with Him. UUMission is confident that God will help people who take hold of His covenant and strive to supply the Bread of Life to the starving world.
Jesus Christ promised to be with evangelists to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20). This promise doesn't change. UUMission does its best to reach souls, make disciples, expand the Kingdom of God, establish seminaries, supply theological lectures, and train ministers. Christ is with UUMission, which is dedicated to the apostles’ ministry of evangelism. The expansion of UUMission is the expansion of God’s Kingdom, and the expansion of Bread University is the extension of God's rule and reign in the Earth.
ⓒ Copyrighted by UUMISSION
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